And we’re not just talking about power plant meltdowns in Japan! In the US, your tattoo is a time bomb, but in Asia (especially China) it’s either smoking (there will be an epidemic of lung cancer and emphysema there in 20 years) or–and this is a surprise–a disease caused from exposure to asbestos called mesothelioma.

Asia uses 64% of the world’s asbestos in building materials such as roofing and cement, which are used to construct everything from power plants to office buildings. Asbestos fibers are 1,000 times finer than a human hair and thus can be easily inhaled. The material is now banned in the US and Europe, but before its dangers were known, it was a popular fireproofing material. Japan and South Korea have also banned the material.

It’s not just people living and working in these buildings who are in danger–in India, factory workers construct huge sheets of asbestos to be used as cheap roofing material, often in unventilated factories. In the June 21st edition of the New York Times, Donald G. McNeil Jr. quotes the World Health Organization’s Ken Takahashi as saying that Asian governments must brace themselves for an "asbestos tsunami."

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