There are already Katrina donation scams appearing on the internet and in spam, and even FEMA prominently lists the controversial Pat Robertson’s “Operation Blessing” as third on its list of suggested charities, which is overwhelmingly dominated by religious charities. However, there are many more organizations and charities more directly involved in hurricane relief in the area than the ones recommended by FEMA, and the Networkforgood website lists most of them on its special hurricane page. Here, for example, you can donate directly to New Orleans’ stricken Charity Hospital. To explore this superior list, click here.
The Craigslist website, devoted in normal times to the informal “swap meet” that has grown up around the internet, has proved to be a useful tool in the search for displaced persons and many other of the urgent needs that have emerged in the wake of Katrina. Missing people and pets can be sought here, temporary jobs offered and sought, and housing and supplies offered and found throughout the area.
If you live in the south and can offer help to displaced persons, especially with temporary housing and work, Craigslist might be a good place to start your search for a way to help. If you are displaced and in need, you can post your needs and your abilities on the site as well. To go to the Craigslist’s Katrina corner in its New Orleans section, click here.
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