Here’s another reason to go to college (besides the fact that you’re more likely to get married): People with a higher education are happier. But this isn’t always the case: Meaningful relationships with other people can change this for individuals who do not have a lot of education.

Researcher Carol Ryff says, "If you didn’t go that far in your education, but you walk around feeling good psychological stuff, you may not be more likely to suffer ill-health than people with a lot of schooling." That’s good to know during the Christmas season, when we all want to be happy.

Maybe the secret to Christmas happiness is what we give to OTHERS. If you want to make someone happy this Christmas, we suggest you give them a copy of the original edition of The Key. This wonderful little book is (believe it or not!) going to be made into a movie, and it will be published by Tarcher Penguin in the spring. That means that the final copies of this imprint will become a collector’s item, sold for much more on ebay. So give them something they will treasure forever that will actually increase in value: A copy of The Key.

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