More ghosts seem to be lurking in the U.K. than anywhereelse, perhaps because more ghost hunters are looking forthem there. Ghost hunter David Wharmby believes anyone cansee them and says, “Everybody is born with a psychicability. It’s just up to you whether you use it or not.”
Ben Farmer writes in the Leicestershire Mercury thatghostbusters are looking for ghosts in Leicester Castle’sold courtrooms. They say they contacted the spirits of adog, a jailer and children and captured some of them on filmas orbs. David Wharmby, of Bassetlaw Research Group, whomade the investigation, says, “We heard voices in the cellarea telling us to get out, the sound of footsteps and doorsbanging?One of our members was poked in the chest so hard hewas forced against the wall and a female member had her kneeslapped.”
Maureen Cartlidge, who works at the castle, called them in.She says, “I asked them to see if they could find anyevidence of ghosts?There’s a lot of interest in this?I[once] was a skeptic to the point that I was offensive topeople who came in looking for ghosts, because I thoughtthey were not quite with it. I’m not now, because I haveseen so much…”
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