People who have strokes who are admitted to the hospital on a weekend are more likely to die compared to people admitted on a weekday. Researcher Moira K. Kapral says that, "Stroke severity is not necessarily the reason for this discrepancy." Her study found that seven days after a stroke, people seen on weekends had an 8% percent risk of dying compared to a 7% percent risk of dying for those seen on weekdays. The results stayed the same regardless of age, gender, stroke severity, other medical conditions and the use of blood clot-busting medications. The reason for the differences in rates could be due to hospital staffing, limited access to specialists and procedures done outside of regular hours.

Here at, we know that contactees are not "sick" people in any way, and we PROVE this with Anne Strieber’s series of contactee interviews, just for our subscribers! There’s a new one up this weekend with "Nick," who found, about meeting up with the Visitors, that he was able to predict when the people around him would die. Not a subscriber? If you subscribe for TWO years, we’ll send you TWO beautiful crop circle calendars: Our 2010 calendar and our 2011 calendar. But we have a limited number of 2010 calendars left, so don’t wait too long!

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