Artificial intelligence experts have invented a robotic head named Doki, which can scientifically determine how attractive women are to men. But it doesn’t work in reverse, because women’s tastes in men are more complex and aren’t based on looks alone. And a scientist has figured out that we start learning how to kiss while we’re still in the womb.

David Cumming, of Intelligent Earth, says, “It examines a number of facial characteristics to determine what sex someone is, so the more classically feminine a woman looks, then the quicker it will decide what sex they are. Psychological research has shown that a woman’s attractiveness directly relates to her femininity and so we can also use this reading as a measure of a woman’s attractiveness to men.”

Cumming thinks Doki could have a future as a robot office receptionist, since the robot can take messages and recognize frequent visitors, greeting them by name. The company has already received orders from businesses and universities.

Doki may be able to pick ’em, but he can’t kiss ’em. It turns out we start learning how to kiss while we?re still in the womb. Two-thirds of us instinctively tilt our heads to the right when we kiss, and this 2:1 ratio is the same as our preference for using the right foot, right eye and right ear. This probably has its origins in our tendency to turn our heads to the right in the womb and for up to six months after birth, says researcher Onur G

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