Spying has changed in the internet age–Now we leave a record of what we’re doing and what we’re interested in every time we click on a website, post on a social network or purchase something online. Homeland Security and police are tracking this information, and so are AD AGENCIES.
In the December 13th edition of the Financial Times, Emily Steel writes: "A new generation of executives, armed with millions of terabytes of data, are taking over today’s advertising world. They are schooled in creating sophisticated automated systems for buying and selling ads, searching for patterns in the data to tell stories and tapping algorithms to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing." Their goal is to target personalized ads to the right person at the right time.
This data harvesting comes at a time when traditional advertising methods are failing: People are reading fewer newspapers and magazines, and nationwide US television advertising campaigns are failing to reach a large portion of their target audiences, mainly because people are recording their favorite shows and fast forwarding through the ads.
Meanwhile, the government is taking a close look at all this data as well. Counterterrorism officials have created a program that will collect millions of records about US citizens. The little-known National Counterterrorism Center can examine our files for evidence of criminal behavior, even if there is no reason to suspect us of committing a crime. This is new: in the past, storing information about ordinary citizens was illegal unless a person was a terrorism suspect.
The NCTC can copy entire government databases, such a flight records, lists of casino employees, and even families hosting exchange students from foreign countries. They can keep the data for up to 5 years and analyze it for suspicious behavior patterns. They can even give their databases to other countries so they can evaluate them too.
In the December 13th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Julia Angwin quotes Homeland Security adviser Mary Ellen Callahan as saying, "This is a sea change in the way that the government interacts with the general public."
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution says that the government must have "probable cause" to search "persons, houses, papers and effects," but with the existence of internet databases, that amendment doesn’t mean much anymore.
When MOTKE knocked on his door early in the morning, Whitley could have decided he was a spy, except he came to DELIVER information–incredible information such as that the soul is a SCIENCE that we have yet to understand and the reason we’re stuck on this planet is because the parents of the child who would have given us the ability to travel into space was killed in the holocaust!
Find out how many of his statements later turned out to be true a new foreword by Whitley in the new edition of The Key.
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