In the Oct. 4 edition of the Independent, Robert Verkaik reports that MI6 agents (the equivalent of the US CIA) were operating in Paris on the night of August 31, 1997, the time of the car crash that killed Diana and Dodi Fayed. This was revealed to a jury at a hearing in the UK which is investigating their deaths. Dodi?s father, Mohamed Al Fayed, believes that they were murdered to avert a scandal that would have affected the monarchysince he claims that Diana was pregnant when she died.

Al Fayed believes that the secret service officers used stun guns inside the Paris tunnel to blind the driver of the car, causing him to crash into one of the pillars. He also asserts that the driver was himself an MI6 agent, and that after the crash, the government was ordered to portray him as drunk (and thus responsible for the crash). Closed-camera footage of him at the Ritz hotel on the night of the crash show him as sober, although medical evidence later showed he had twice the legal amount of alcohol in his body. When French police searched the driver?s home, they found more alcohol on their second visit than they did on their first, as if liquor bottles had been planted there.

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