The website Buzz Feed has released a report that appears to reveal the Twitter account of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He went by the nickname Johar, and continued to tweet after the bombing. One tweet showed one of the most heart-rending images from the bombing, that of a man who had just discovered his fiancee’s body and was bending over it in anguish. The tweet reads "This deserves endless retweets." This horrific tweet, which on the surface seems to reflect anger and concern, would appear to be an indication that this could be a terrorist act that goes beyond the actions of two twisted and arrogant young men. The reason is that a primary objective of terrorists is to spread fear, and this particular tweet shows knowledge of terrorism techniques of a kind that is taught in terrorism training by organizations like Al Qaeda.

Another tweet posted before the bombing reads,  "i didn’t become a lifeguard just to chill and get paid, i do it for the people, saving lives brings me joy." His final tweet, posted on April 15 after the bombing says, "I’m a stress free kind of guy."

For the story on Buzzfeed, click here.

The image is from his Twitter profile picture.

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