Bigfoot has been spotted in Rae Lakes, a small, isolated community in the Northwest Territories of Canada. John Bernard Bourne moved there three years ago from Ontario to teach a group of indigenous people called the Dogribs. As he listened to the local lore, he noticed stories about the Bushman?a tall, hairy creature who lurks in the bush ready to abduct anyone traveling alone. People who are taken are never seen again, or if they are, they’re found mute and mentally deranged.

Finally, a year ago, Bourne saw the Bushman for himself. He was driving with his wife and a friend, when they were caught in a blizzard. Their visibility was low, but all three of them still managed to see something tall and hairy, running on two legs. The creature?s hair was long and wild. Bourne says, “My friend who was driving shouted, ‘What was that?’ but we all knew. We tried to push our original instinct away and rationalize it as something else. But we couldn’t.”

His friends and family back in Ontario scoffed at the story, but the Dogrib took him seriously. The following fall, the elders began saying they had a premonition that the Bushman would abduct someone soon. It hasn’t happened yet, but Bourne goes to sleep uneasy every night.

Bigfoot has been seen all over the world?including right here in the U.S.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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