Homaro Cantu doesn’t use fish to make sushi at the Motorestaurant in Chicago?he prints images of sushi on ediblepaper made out of soybeans and cornstarch, using edible ink.Chicago is a town that’s famous for its unusual eateries?itonce had a restaurant where everything, even desert,contained garlic?but this is the first restaurant where themenu is edible.

David Bernstein reports in the New York Times thatincredibly enough, most of Cantu’s creations tastedelicious. He flavors the paper so that it tastes like theimages printed on it. He doesn’t just stick with fish; herecently created an image of a cow that tasted like steak.Next, he plans to tackle more subtle themes, like a famouspainting (What would a Salvador Dali painting taste like?)He also wants to use liquid nitrogen and helium to makefoods levitate. The menus are edible now, but Cantu alsowants to create edible plates and utensils and even edibletables and chairs. He’s been called a”mad-scientist-meets-gourmet-chef.”

Photo credit: http://www.freeimages.co.uk

Here’s something else incredible: the legendaryAkashicfield really does exist! This is not only the originalsource of all things that arise in time and space, it isalso the constant and enduring memory of the universe andholds the record of everything that ever happened in life,on Earth, and in the cosmos.

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