Are you lonely? Join he club: Although the average Facebook user has some 130 "friends," in reality, Americans have, on average, slightly more than two confidantes, down from three 25 years ago.

Sociologist Matthew Brashears says that although the social network "makes us potentially more vulnerable," the good news is that "we’re not as socially isolated as scholars had feared." Over the last few years, the average size of the group with whom we discuss important matters has shrunk by about one-third (from about three people to two).

Is the internet making us more alone? "Contactees" often feel terribly isolated, with nobody to talk to about their surreal experiences. We’re here to help: Anne Strieber has interviewed a wonderful group of "contactees" and "experiencers," who tell about what happened to them IN THEIR OWN WORDS, and if you’re a subscriber, you can listen to them all!

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