Something ominous could be on the way: ANOTHER huge underwater volcano may erupt soon (and no, it’s not Katla or Laki).
Just off Italy’s southwestern coast, beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea, lies Marsili, which is Europe’s biggest underwater volcano. Geologists have recently discovered that its walls are weakening and could collapse at any moment, sending thousands of tons of magma into the sea. This would set off a tsunami that could engulf the coast of southern Italy, drowning Calabria and Campania, as well as the island of Sicily.
The Ethiopian Review quotes volcanologist Filipo Muccini as saying, “This could happen due to an eruption, seismic events or another scenario, and these factors can change the equilibrium of the volcano.”
Marsili is a unique volcano, one of only 5,000 active underwater volcanoes worldwide. They quote volcanologist Luca Cocchi as saying, “The drastic decrease that we have recorded on the top of the seamount, especially for the magnetic and gravity field, are, perhaps, considered very exceptional.” Although there is evidence that it erupted in the past, it has not erupted in recorded history.According to Cocchi, “We don’t at this moment know if, how and when it may erupt.”
We know something that WILL erupt again, in June: Our extraordinary Dreamland Festival! We’ve had delightful eruptions of INFORMATION in Nashville in the past and we expect warm sunny weather again this year, so if you want to find out what your favorite Dreamland hosts are thinking, then join us on June 25-27 for a thought-provoking good time!
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