Not all women realize that semen is an antidepressant. But some women have the misfortune to be allergic to their partner’s sperm?which can certainly cause problems. But don’t despair?more frequent sex can be the cure!

Women who have vaginal itching, burning and other symptoms after intercourse may be allergic to their partner’s semen. In some cases, substances such as certain medications and foods, may cause allergic reactions when transmitted through seminal fluid. Women may be particularly susceptible to this during puberty, menstruation and menopause.

While the prevalence of semen allergy is not known, the condition does exist and should be considered as a possible diagnosis for women who report symptoms that occur shortly after intercourse. Symptoms may include itching, burning and swelling in the genital area. In the most severe cases, hives or swelling may appear elsewhere on the body. Women may even have the symptoms of asthma. Twice as many women have asthma than men, and this could be the reason.

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