Is 3-D TV next? – Not all the news is bad (some of it is just strange): The movie “Avatar” has created a return of 3-D and starting in 2010, ESPN will broadcast some sports events in 3-D. quotes Chuck Pagano, ESPN vice president for technology, as saying that the network is preparing for a “3-D tsunami.” But who has a TV that can pick them up? The answer: Major TV manufacturers are creating these new 3-D sets as fast as they can. Maybe this will be the final end of the recession.

Toshiba has unveiled a “smart” TV that will convert 2-D signals into high-resolution 3-D programming, and Sony plans to bring 3-D TV sets to market in time for next Christmas. quotes Toshiba’s VP of marketing Scott Ramirez as saying, “This is the new ‘it’ TV. It’s the one everyone is going to be talking about. It’s unlike anything that’s out there.”

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