I have not added a journal entry in months. The reason is that I have been at a loss about what to say. But I’m going to try, at least to put down a few paragraphs about what’s been happening to me. Outwardly, I’ve been living my life, writing, working on this website, interacting with friends, all the usual things.

Inwardly, though, something has changed and is still changing. My difficulty is that it’s so very hard to put into words. Also, as time goes on, I get more and more reticent. I don’t think I’m becoming a hermit, but it’s a struggle not to do what I have seen so many close encounter witnesses do, which is to turn entirely toward their experience and close the door on the outside world.
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In December of 2007, I had a brief sighting of a UFO outside our bedroom window. It was at low altitude and moving with stately ease into rushing storm clouds. The object was brightly lit, at low altitude, and disappeared into the clouds before I could get a picture. This sighting was accompanied by the most complicated close encounter experience I’ve ever had, which seemed to be in some way a response to my novel 2012, which was about parallel universes.
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Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington and former Mossad Chief Meier Dagan appeared on 60 Minutes to warn that war with Iran would be a mistake. Meanwhile, it has been pointed out by numerous commentators that no country which has acquired nuclear weapons since World War II has used them, and that nuclear arsenals are instruments of peace rather than war, because the prospect of mutually assured destruction enforces stalemate. The prime examples cited are the US and the USSR, which never actually fought a nuclear conflict, and Pakistan and India, which fought three wars prior to acquiring nuclear weapons, and have not fought since.
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Some of the late Barry Goldwater’s UFO-related correspondence has recently been released, and it makes shocking reading, for a reason that I will detail in a moment. After I read it, though, I found myself thinking about the present state of the UFO mystery, how we have gotten here, and what has been lost.

When Goldwater’s first letters were written, in the late 1960s, it was still possible for respected media to publish UFO stories. It didn’t happen often, even then, but it did happen. Not anymore, and I think that some of Goldwater’s statements, and some things revealed in his letters, tell us why it is that the media and the scientific community absolutely reject the whole subject as nonsense.
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