A new analysis of the data from the Cassini space probe that explored the Saturn system has revealed that the impressively-ringed planet’s moon Enceladus may have a substantial amount of phosphorus mixed into its subsurface ocean, meaning that the icy moon appears to be home to all six elements required for the formation ofread more

All too often we fail to realize that other species—even those closest to us—can be downright alien in some respects, especially in terms of how they perceive the world. This is especially true of dogs: despite having been one of humanity’s closest companions for nearly 15 thousand years, the brain ofread more

The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai underwater volcano in January was the largest explosion on record—either man-made or natural, rivaled only by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa—and the largest volcanic eruption since Mount Pinatubo’s 1991 eruption, making for an event that ejected a massive amount of material high into the atmosphere.read more

Medical researchers have discovered that a genetic mutation may be responsible for why some people who test positive for COVID-19 do not develop symptoms, while the disease proves to range between mildly debilitating and downright lethal to others. This mutation, one responsible for regulation of the immune system, appears toread more