Tiny frogs have invaded Hawaii’s Big Island. The problem is that when they croak in chorus at night, they make a noise as loud as a helicopter, so resident humans aren’t getting much sleep.

The frogs are about the size of a nickel, and arrived in Hawaii from the Caribbean in the mid-80’s, probably in an agricultural shipment. Since they have no natural predators in Hawaii, they have swelled in numbers and now pose such a hindrance to a good night’s sleep that a hotline has been set up for frustrated insomniacs.
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While the world is debating regulations to try to cut down on their emissions of the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide, in order to slow down the increase in global warming, scientists have discovered that the activity of a single enzyme, phenol oxidase, in peat bogs is the only thing preventing a massive release of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Inside these wet, oxygen-poor bogs, which stretch from Scotland to Siberia, the enzyme’s activity is low and thus it can’t set off the decomposition that would send huge volumes of CO2 into the air.
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Legendary inventor Dean Kamen claims that the much-hyped invention known as IT and code-named “Ginger” isn’t all that big a deal.

The Harvard University Press paid $250,000 for a book about IT, an unprecedented sum for a university press. After seeing the product, Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com called it “revolutionary.” Steve Jobs of Apple said the product could revolutionize how cities are designed. Credit Suisse First Boston was said to believe that the product could make Kamen richer than Bill Gates within five years.

Now Kamen says “We have a promising project, but nothing of the Earth-shattering nature that people are conjuring up.”
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The famous 4,000 year-old circle of stones in the midst of Crop Circle country that is known as Stonehenge may not be authentic, a new report says.

Researcher Brian Edwards has discovered photographs that show fallen stones being hauled into place using cranes and scaffolding in restorations over the past 100 years. He says he has proof that virtually every stone was re-erected, straightened or embedded in concrete between 1901 and 1964.
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