Sunspot AR9393 is now the largest in ten years and is growing fast. The sunspot is presently thirteen times the size of earth. An eruption near the sunspot sent a coronal mass ejection toward earth earlier today. Forecasters estimate a 15 to 25% chance of a severe geomagnetic storm when the material reaches earth, probably on Friday.

The number of sunspots has reached 352, up from 224 earlier today.

The last time a magnetic storm caused severe damage was the memorable March 13, 1989 event, which shut down power grids and blew out huge transformers throughout the northern hemisphere.
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Scientists have discovered that cat purring is a natural healing mechanism that probably created the legend that cats have 9 lives.

Wounded cats purr because it helps their bones and organs heal, say researchers who have analyzed the purring of different kinds of cats. This is why they can survive falls from high buildings. Exposure to similar sound frequencies is known to improve bone density in humans.

Cats? ability to survive and recover after falling from tall buildings is well documented. A study published in The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that out of 132 cats that fell an average of 5 ? stories, 90 percent survived, including one that fell 45 stories.
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At 1015 Universal Time, an X-class solar flare was emitted from the sunspot region 9393, sending a coronal mass ejection toward earth. This follows a coronal mass ejection emitted two days ago. Energy from the first CME is expected to arrive on Friday, and from the second on Saturday.

With an X-class flare, which is the most powerful measured, there is always the potential for strong geomagnetic storm on earth and potential danger to satellites. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station will retire to radiation shielded areas if radiation levels on the station should exceed established safety tolerances.
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The family of a Colorado woman who died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, believes her death was caused by a herbal dietary supplement containing bovine protein. The woman, who died November 23, 1999, had been taking the supplement to help her lose weight.

Her husband could not remember an occasion when his wife might have eaten a meat product that he hadn?t and can?t think of any other way she could have gotten the condition except through the supplement. Her daughter said, ?She went from a walker to a wheelchair in one week,? before she died.
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