Alien Healing

October 29, 2003
Douglas writes from Oregon about the incredible ET healing that has occurred in his family. This is the second in a series of new Communion Letters, about the experiences of our readers and listeners. He writes: During the Summer of... continued

Mysterious Circular Graves in Ohio

October 25, 2003
In The Communion Letters, we collected some of the extraordinary letters we received from readers of Communion over 15 years ago. The letters havent stopped we get amazing e-mails every day. Weve decided to begin posting some of the best... continued

The Inside Info on Voting Machines

October 12, 2003
When we wrote that Californias election used flawed voting machines, we got a quick, insightful reply from a "Concerned San Diego County Employee," who says, "Essentially, the only threat(s) to the voting machines are internal since the machines are not... continued

September 11th and The Bush Administration: Compelling Evidence for Complicity by Walter E. Davis, PhD

September 25, 2003
Clearly, one of the most critical questions of the twenty-first century concerns why the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were not prevented. As I outline below, there are numerous aspects regarding the official stories about September 11th which do... continued

Is Planet Earth Embedded in a Large Galactic Civilization By Beatriz Gato-Rivera, particle physicist and member of the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC)

September 18, 2003
The cosmologist Ken D. Olum, from Tufts University, after doing some computations, concludes, "We should find ourselves in a large civilization (of galactic size), but in fact we do not." I want to explore the intriguing possibility of whether we... continued

Amazing Story of Missing Time In British Columbia

August 28, 2003
Case researched by Brian Vike Copyright 2003, Brian Vike The story is real but the names in this report are fictitious for obvious reasons. Pat - Driver of the car. Linda - Passenger and friend. Date: July 31, 2003 (Thursday)... continued

Amazing Story of Missing Time in British Columbia

August 28, 2003
Case researched by Brian Vike Copyright 2003, Brian Vike The story is real but the names in this report are fictitious for obvious reasons. Pat - Driver of the car. Linda - Passenger and friend. Date: July 31, 2003 (Thursday)... continued

A First-Hand Glimpse of Hell in Europe

August 14, 2003
On unknowncountry, we know that summer in Europe has been hell this year. Now reader Susan McCulloch gives us a firsthand report on the heat wave in Germany. Is this a glimpse of the future for all of us She... continued

Plea for a Missing Pilot

August 13, 2003
I am Joseph B. Padilla, SR. I live in Pensacola, Florida - U.S.A. I am the Brother of Ben Charles Padilla Jr. He is suspected to be the Pilot of the Missing Boeing 727 Plane that left the Airport in... continued

Why Are Our Soldiers Getting Sick in Iraq

August 11, 2003
Joyce Riley VonKleist, of the American Gulf War Veterans Association, has issued a press release about what they're calling the Gulf War II Mystery Illness: The American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA), an independent Gulf War Veterans' support organization, has... continued