On January 27, 2016, President Trump signed an executive order that bans the entry of citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen into the United States, under all available visas, for 120 days. The order –supposedly to prevent terrorists from entering the U.S. — effectively stops the migration of refugees from these countries altogether for this period, and affects refugees originating from Syria indefinitely. However, since the order blankets everyone with a citizenship with the affected countries, this prevents the entry of not only those in need, but also those that would be of  benefit to the U.S.
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Unknowncountry has recently instituted enhanced security measures to protect your privacy and insure that your visit to our website does not result in any compromise to your security. Since the beginning of the site, we have never sold email addresses or data in any way whatsoever. We also have a policy against data mining on the site. In other words, when you come here, there is nothing watching your actions in order to push ads to your computer, or for any other reason.
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We have come to a dark time in the history of the United States.

Over the years, I have never spoken out one way or the other about politics. This is because Unknowncountry is a home for all close encounter witnesses and everybody interested in the visitors, not just those of one or another political persuasion.

I am not advocating a particular ideology now, either. I hope that I’m wrong about what I think will happen, and that the Trump Administration succeeds in improving the lives of the elderly and relatively poor people who are the core of its rank-and-file supporters. In fact, I hope that it succeeds at every economic level to better our lives.
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Whitley offers a discussion of compassion based around one of Anne Strieber’s most beloved poems, "The Death of the Hired Man" by Robert Frost. She thinks of the poem as one of the great texts about compassion, what it is, how it works, why it matters and, above all, how to live the kind of thoughtful, deeply compassionate life that is so essential to building a strong soul.
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