Earlier this year, strong evidence for the existence of a massive, undiscovered planet that orbits beyond the reaches of Pluto was presented by the California Institute of Technology, having run detailed computer simulations of the orbits of known trans-Neptunian objects. The simulations showed that the existing orbits of these objects couldn’t follow their current paths without the presence of another planet, approximately ten times the mass of the Earth, with an orbit that comes no closer than 30.5 billion km (19 billion miles) to the Sun.
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Your Out There editor has been enduring a real drought of genuine UFO reports, but finally a good one has appeared. These are not drones or sky lanterns and this video is not a CGI effect. In fact, this is how it looks, and how people react, when a real unidentified aerial event takes place. No fancy logo, no demand to subscribe, no dreadful music. Just ordinary people face to face with a real mystery. The event was recorded in Charlotte, NC on October 15.

Graded A.
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The European Space Agency just can’t seem to catch a break: the organization hasn’t been able to successfully land a space probe on Mars, with the latest setback marked by the identification of the crash site of ExoMars’ Schiaparelli lander. The ESA’s previous attempt at putting a probe on mars was the ill-fated Mars Express Beagle 2 lander, in 2003.

The probe entered Mars’ atmosphere on October 19, but contact was lost seconds after its descent parachute was jettisoned. An investigation into the probe’s telemetry shows that the parachute was released too early, and the descent thrusters did not fire long enough, resulting in the probe crashing into the Martian landscape.
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Anne has been much with me in the time since she left her body behind, more than a year now. I have been careful to report on the many instances during which she made her presence known. Of course, as she herself would have been the first to counsel, accept nothing on faith. Keep the question open, because question, not belief, is the direction of inner growth.


In recent weeks, she has said three things that I find extremely valuable and enlightening, and I would like to discuss them here.

The first was “Crossing the bridge between the worlds is like synchronized swimming.” The second was “Stars are love. That’s why they make life.” The third was, “Earth is a genius. That’s why we’re so complicated.”

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