The Pacific region is officially experiencing an El Niño event, according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that Texas and most of the central US is due for more soaking from the vast region of warm water that has developed in the south Pacific. This El Niño is unusual, in that the phenomenon would usually be ending at this time of year. Sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific are continuing to warm, which is expected from an El Niño. The temperature has also risen by 1°C over the past three weeks–an increase not seen since the 1980s, when there were back-to-back El Niño more

A new physics experiment has verified the concept of quantum indeterminacy, where a particle exists as both a particle and a wave until observed. As well, the experiment also shows that the "decision" made by the particle can travel backward in time.
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Researchers in the UK say they may have discovered a miniature device that was used to seed life on Earth.

Analyzing samples taken from the stratosphere by a high-altitude balloon, researchers from the University of Buckingham discovered a tiny metallic sphere imbedded in the sampler. Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright describes the object: "It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its center." The object was found cratered within the sampling container, implying that it had hit the collector at high speed, rather than just floating in the air with the rest of the particles collected.
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The State of Texas has been soaked by record-shattering rainfall and disastrous floods, and now a tropical depression moving in to the eastern part of the state threatens a catastrophic situation. The waterlogged ground and already full rivers cannot absorb a significant rainfall, and 6 to 10 inches are predicted for Houston and surrounding counties. The lack of absorbancy will mean that water will rise immediately, making flash flooding a grave danger, and not just in low lying areas. The storm is expected to move into the area in the next 24 hours, and to continue through the weekend.
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