Researchers have declared that the Earth is entering a mass extinction event, and that it is being caused by humans, but this is part of a much larger story.

A team at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment have published a study that says that we are entering a sixth great mass extinction event, where the current rate of species loss is over 100 times that of what would normally be seen. The study also says that this is what they consider to be a conservative estimate; that this rate the loss in biodiversity benefits to humans will be seen within three generations, and that 75 percent of Earth’s species could be lost within two generations.
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Human brains will be directly connected to the internet by nanobot implants, making us into human-machine hybrids, within the next 15 years, according to Google’s head engineer.

Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil, says that in the 2030’s, this nanobot interface would allow users faster access to information on the internet, and also allow information to be uploaded in the same manner as well, allowing us to back up our own brains.
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This object was photographed by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover on May 7, 2015. Given the condition of the rocks around it, it’s a very unusual shape. It is small, about the size of a compact car, and does not appear to be lying on the surface, but rather to be projecting out of it. NASA has offered no comment about it. To see the original on NASA’s website, click here.

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This is one of a number of videos that have appeared recently involving unusual lights being observed in storm clouds. Contrary to the witness’s claims that it has something to do with the HAARP program, it is a known phenomenon. The HAARP project was permanently shut down in 2014, and was never engaged in any activity that would produce lights like this. This is called a crown flash, which takes place when lightning is reflected off of water droplets in rainstorms, a sort of rainbow generated by lightning instead of sunlight. So much for HAARP.

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