This is a pretty convincing story. Something is definitely moving in this video. If the police are telling the truth, there is no way that anybody could have entered the area under surveillance without triggering an alarm, so your Out There editor is taking this one at face value: something unknown is walking through the camera’s field of view.
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This story of a Druze boy who, at the age of three, not only remembered who murdered him in a past life but also found his own past body that the murderer had hidden is really something. It comes from a book called Children Who Have Lived Before by Trutz Hardo.

Whitley has done some great interviews about past lives on Dreamland, and has told his own remarkable story in Whitley’s Room in the subscriber area of this website.
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Of course this unusual Mars rock is probably just a trick of light and random erosion, but it is sufficiently regular to allow one to imagine that we might not understand Mars nearly as well as we think we do. We’re not making any claims about the object beyond saying that it is as regular as if it had been carved, seems out of place in its surroundings and appears to be part of something that is buried. If a photograph like this was taken in a desert on Earth, the only question would be, ‘who carved it?’

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This image was captured by a skywatcher over Newburgh, NY, on September 15. It’s an unusual image, and has elements that suggest that it’s a CGI effect. And yet the spoken narrative that accompanies it seems entirely sincere. We’re including it in Out There for that reason, and also because Newburgh, NY is about midway between the area where Whitley Strieber had his famous experiences and where the Hudson Valley UFO mystery unfolded. The whole region remains to this day an area of extensive UFO activity.
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