According to scientific expectation, the hottest year on record should have been the most recent year. In fact, the hottest year of the 20th Century was 1998, and since then temperatures have risen only about .02 degrees Fahrenheit. And yet, between 2000 and 2010 human activity has emitted 110 billion tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. According to global warming models, temperatures should have continued to climb, but instead they have stabilized. Although the change is not as intense as expected, 9  out of the 10 warmest years ever recorded have taken place since 1998.
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I just happened pick this up thanks to Suzanne Chancellor’s posting in on the Whitley Strieber Society on Face Book. If this is a real video, it appears to be something in some sort of trouble, dropping flaming wreckage. No reports of any air crashes in the region in late May.
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The witness reports that she noticed lightning in a clear sky and went out with her camera. She then saw an object at altitude and angling down. In close up, it appears to have a tail. No wings are visible. Even if it is a plane, though, its attitude indicates that it is in an emergency situation. There were no reports of crashes in the area. So, are we looking at the outcome of some sort of secret battle, or a technical failure of some kind. Sure appears that way.
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Billions of tons of metallic mercury are being poured into the Pacific Ocean from over ten thousand coal-fired powerplants primarily in China and India, with the result that mercury levels in some common Pacific fish are rising far beyond safe levels for human or animal consumption. The primary problem is among larger fish, which concentrate the mercury when they eat smaller varieties which are also contaminated. Seaborne bacteria convert metallic mercury that reaches the ocean in polluted rain and wind to methyl mercury, which is absorbed into the cells of any animal–or human–who ingests it. Mercury is a brain poison, in that it kills more