For people to notice an object and report it strongly suggests that it was something that they considered extremely unusual. This was a nighttime sighting of an apparently quite large lighted object that one witness described as being at least twice the size of two cars. However, given that it was night, there is no way to estimate the size. The lights were bright enough to startle the witness into reporting the sighting to local authorities. There were no aircraft in the area at the time. Local police declined to investigate.
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Here’s an odd one picked up by New York Magazine: there’s a black object with a small red light on top floating in the surf near President Obama in this publicity shot of him vacationing in Hawaii. Your Out There editor has no idea what this may be, except that it appears to be a device, not a shark or some other sea creature.
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Cotulla, a town in south Texas, is the source of two UFO reports, the one pictured here being the most unusual. It allegedly shows a UFO on the ground. Certainly, the object is strange, but there is no clear proof that it’s an unknown object, only that it’s not clear what it is from the photo. However, an incident in the same community last September, which also involved unknown lighted objects hovering close to the ground, suggests that some sort of ongoing UFO activity may be involved. To view that video, click here.
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