This video posted on YouTube by truck driver Ronnie Dawson of Coleman Texas shows clips of a UFO that he took with a phone camera. This appears to be a credible case, and we are investigating further.
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This report from Loren Coleman says that Indonesian rangers are seeing large numbers of very small people, under two feet, in an isolated area of the Way Kangas National Park in Sumatra. These people may be the legendary Orang Pendek, said to still live on Sumatra.
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Laredo, Texas UFO researchers are finding a significant number of unexplained objects in local skies, but it’s not because of UFO reports being received from the public, but rather because they are part of a growing movement in the research community: the go out with good equipment and obtain UFO data on their own. This is perhaps the next wave in UFO research. It is getting much easier to do, as UFOs become more common and seemingly more willing to appear on demand.
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The most viewed record in the FBI’s UFO files is a memo written by Guy Hottel on March 22, 1950 stating that three flying disks had crashed in New Mexico and bodies similar to human but three feet tall had been recovered from them. The FBI has been silent on the memo since its release in 2011, but has now stated on its blog that it does not prove the existence of UFOs and was never followed up.
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