One of the most beautiful and haunting sounds on the planet, whale song is thought to have healing powers and is widely used for meditation and relaxation. Whales use sound to locate food and companions, and rely on their songs and hearing for navigation, orientation and communication. Marine mammal scientists from Vancouver Aquarium have therefore been concerned to note that killer whales who inhabit the coastal waters of British Columbia and Alaska have recently lost their collective voice.

The cetacean research team at the aquarium is headed by Dr. Lance Barrett-Lennard, who described how the normally loquacious creatures have been strangely quiet for the past two years, and how, consequently, they are now much more difficult to locate:
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As we leave the darkness of All Hallow’s Eve behind and wake to the sanctity of All Hallows Day, or All Souls Day as it is also known, Unknowncountry looks at the presence of angels in modern-day life.

The word "angel" derives from the Greek "angelos", meaning "messenger, and angels are generally accepted to be messengers of God, spiritual beings of pure love sent to do God’s work on Earth. Angels are present in large numbers throughout religious history, but when it comes to acknowledging their existence in our current reality, angel sightings are often treated in much the same way as encounters with ghosts, as a "paranormal" entity. Yet there have been countless sightings of angels in recent times from extremely reliable more

Today, we are joined by Tim Wallace-Murphy, one of the world’s most sought after teachers on the secrets of our Western tradition of esoteric and spiritual
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You’ve been hearing bumps and unexplained footsteps in the middle of the night, or get the feeling that someone is watching you, but when you turn round there is nobody there. The door opens or closes on its own, the dog is behaving strangely, or you keep having the same dream over and over again. You can smell pipe smoke, but no one in the family smokes, or, inexplicably, you feel an icy chill and goose-bumps on a hot summer’s day.

Do any of these scenario’s sound familiar? If so, you could have an unexpected house guest!
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