This is a typical blinking night light. It appears to be triangular in shape, or three objects close together. The lighting pattern is not typical of aircraft, although it could be some sort of a blimp at great distance. Probable unknown.
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This week’s edition of William Henry’s Revelations memorializes 911 in a completely new way. William and Dr. Mark Gray examine the event and the memorial from the standpoint of hidden mystical meaning and power. This is one of the most exceptional interviews we have ever run on this website, and we are proud to make it our 911 remembrance for 2013.

William Henry’s website is

Mark Gray’s website is
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William Henry and Mark Gray discuss 911 and its aftermath, not in terms of conspiracy theories, but rather in the context of ancient mysticism. ‘When 2 become one, we arrive in the kingdom of heaven.’ Two towers fell and one will soon arise out of them. But does the mystical symbolism have any real meaning.

William asks Mark a powerful question: what do you think really happened on 9/11. Mark answers in terms of Revelation 9:11 and Tisha’b’Av, the saddest day in Jewish tradition, which commemorates the destruction of both of the temples at Jerusalem. The catastrophes are commemorated on the ninth day of the Jewish calendar’s month of Av, on its eleventh day.
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Tom Carey and Don Schmitt have just published a groundbreaking and definitive book about the Roswell Incident that—incredibly—is full of new revelations and new research of the very highest order. For example, they have solved the mystery of "Hangar 18" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

If you go to Wright-Pat and ask to see Hangar 18, you’ll get the condescending reply that it doesn’t exist and never has.
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