The witness reports that she noticed lightning in a clear sky and went out with her camera. She then saw an object at altitude and angling down. In close up, it appears to have a tail. No wings are visible. Even if it is a plane, though, its attitude indicates that it is in an emergency situation. There were no reports of crashes in the area. So, are we looking at the outcome of some sort of secret battle, or a technical failure of some kind. Sure appears that way.
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Billions of tons of metallic mercury are being poured into the Pacific Ocean from over ten thousand coal-fired powerplants primarily in China and India, with the result that mercury levels in some common Pacific fish are rising far beyond safe levels for human or animal consumption. The primary problem is among larger fish, which concentrate the mercury when they eat smaller varieties which are also contaminated. Seaborne bacteria convert metallic mercury that reaches the ocean in polluted rain and wind to methyl mercury, which is absorbed into the cells of any animal–or human–who ingests it. Mercury is a brain poison, in that it kills more

Dr. Jesse Marcel died suddenly at his home today. It is believed that he was the victim of a heart attack. Dr. Marcel was the son of Col. Jesse Marcel, who was the first military officer on the scene of the Roswell UFO crash that took place in July of 1947. In a videotape made in 1979, Col. Marcel described the materials that he had found, and after his death Dr. Marcel began telling the story of the materials as his father had shown them to him when he was a boy in 1947.  He recalled metal that would resume its shape if bent, and I beams that had hieroglyphics on them.
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Food for thought. If Dr. Barrie Tower is telling even a small part of the truth, there are terrifying weapons capabilities that can be directed not just against the body of an individual, but against his mind. Put things like that into the hands of people who are hidden behind laws that protect them from scrutiny and exempt their actions from due process, and you have trouble.
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