This video was brought to our attention by Mexican UFO expert Jaime Maussan, and it is remarkable. There is no suggestion of hoax in this video taken by a webcam that watches the Popocatepetl volcano. The volcano has been active lately, and threatens a large human population. So what is this object doing? Also, I might add that it strongly resembles glowing bars that have been recorded in Kentucky recently.
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Most of us are aware of the potential dangers of cell phone radiation, but there’s ANOTHER danger you probably never thought of: GERMS!

Bacteria living on your cell phone can cause flu, pinkeye or diarrhea. In the October 23rd edition of the Wall Street Journal, Caroline Porter writes: "When you combine a cell phone’s proximity to your ears, nose and mouth with its bacteria-loving warmth, the result can be harmful to your health." While items like keys and computers harbor plenty of germs as well, they aren’t used close to these vulnerable parts of the body.
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There has been an upsurge in UFO sightings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), and for once, we don’t think it’s the kind of "hoax wave" that YouTube goes through every couple of months.

Three Colorado sighting reports were filed with MUFON over a two-day period, describing a cigar-shape, balls of light, a rectangle and a boomerang shape.
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