Quite a few big meteors lighting up night skies recently. It’s a substantial object if it lights up an entire country, as in the UK last week, or a big city like Melbourne, as has happened last night. The extensive UFO flap of 1952 was preceeded by green fireballs being seen throughout the US in 1950-1952.
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This object is unlikely to be a plane because of the uniform glow. It does not function like a balloon. It is not a bird. Also, it’s clearly amateur video, so the movement behind the trees is unlikely to be a CGI effect. Therefore, unknown at this time.
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This video could show practically anything. It’s just lights, apparently in the sky, until two jets show up at 6:25 into the video, at which point it gets interesting. The UFOs left the area and did not return. One cannot help but think that our military response to UFOs is the equivalent of primitive peoples shaking their spears at passing planes.
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An investigation of this flash has so far turned up only the fact that it appeared near a sewage treatment plant. No explosions or unusual events were recorded at the plant, however. As of March 12, 2012, the flash remains a mystery. We will revist if an explanation is ever found.
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