The Middle East is about to boil over. Scholar and sometime prophet John Hogue joins us to discuss the true danger of the Iran crisis. For Uknowncountry subscribers, we ask John the question: what about Gaza and the future? What happens next?
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William Henry interviews the founder of the Sedona Sanctuary, Dean Taraborelli on how the Sanctuary works, and how his own epigentic healing experience changed his body and his life.

Dean Taraborelli describes his own experience this way: “You do not have to be an addict, depressed, sick or simply living a life that is less than the one you know you can live. I share this from my own experience. While I once was caught in the cycle of self destruction, I no longer consider myself an addict. I have healed at a cellular level and my body no longer recognizes and processes chemicals in the addictive way.”

Everybody needs healing on this level, no matter the state of their physical health.

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Capitalism would die if we didn’t, but it doesn’t do much for our spiritual life (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). As "Black Friday"–the biggest shopping day of the year in the US–approaches, it’s something to think about.

In the Guardian, Heidi Moore quotes British comedian Louis CK as saying, "We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it’s wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots."

Moore quotes product designer Thomas Wensma as saying, "We want something new, something pretty, the next shiny thing." read more

Don’t set off for that long Thanksgiving holiday drive after watching a horror movie. People’s driving behaviors can be subtly influenced by emotionally charged images, and research has shown that people often drive more recklessly after viewing an action movie and more cautiously after seeing a relaxing film.

In the November 20th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Ann Lukits reports that after viewing photos of cute babies, people playing a computer driving game were quick to stop their simulated car during a yellow light. If they’d been watching violent photos, they probably would have driven right through it. This undoubtedly works the same way with any video games you might have been playing before getting behind the wheel.
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