Initially, this appears to be a plane, but as the video continues, the shape is revealed to be very unusual.
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This video of a stone with apparent magnetic properties has been posted on YouTube. Problem is, it doesn’t function like a magnet–at least, not one without another magnetic field nearby to cause it to move. However, the first part of the video shows the object on a wooden table. There could easily be a powerful magnet under the table. The second video is more subtle–the object appears on a glass table. But look closely. A third of the glass is obscured by what appears to be a stone base. So, is the magnet hidden there? As always, there’s a remote possibility that this is something genuinely anomalous. How your Out There editor longs for that ONE video that is beyond dispute!
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This group of objects recorded over Lubbock, Texas on June 6 could be balloons, but if so they are large, white and highly reflective. They are not normal weather balloons. The camera shake makes it fairly unlikely that this is a CGI effect. Note the child’s voice midway into the session cry out, ‘it’s a space ship.’ Probable more