This object probably is not a bird or an insect near the camera lens because it is moving in a very straight line and is not surrounded by the faint blur of wings generally seen in bird videos. It appears to be a genuine unknown, and a reminder that they are really all around us.
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This could easily be a digitally produced hoax, and the lack of any other videos or news stories about what would seem to have been a very prominent event would suggest that this is the case. Also, the video is abruptly cut off before the object does anything. Was this because the animator got tired of extending the image? It would seem that a person videotaping the real thing would have continued until it moved away, and not simply abandoned this incredible sighting right in the middle of the action. Making animations, on the other hand, is tedious, which is why most of the hoaxes we see end abruptly, usually in the middle of the action.
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Now that farmers can hire circlmakers to decorate their fields for fun and PROFIT, more and more manmade formations are appearing. Some of them are even quite striking–from a distance. Up close, though, you find broken stems, no interweaving and generally rough edges. This formation, however, is among the most magnificent ever created. No human circlemakers are even close to the skill level required to create this superb work. 

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This red streak shot by one of the the International Space Station’s fixed cameras appears to be a meteor entering the earth’s upper atmosphere, but if so, then it is fully alight at a very high altitude. It’s an unusual image, possibly unknown in origin.
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