This may be the source of their extraordinarily accurate calendar. A new Mexican documentary titled "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond" claims that the ancient Mayans had contact with alien visitors who left evidence behind.

The movie makers say that the film is being made with the cooperation of the Mexican government for "the good of mankind," and that Mexico’s president ordered all government bureaus to work with the filmmakers.
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Interesting how good videos come in waves. I’ve been looking at obvious hoaxes for a week. Now, suddenly, half a dozen good videos or reports appear. There is no reason to doubt the legitimacy of this video, but it’s possible that the object is a plane, although the absence of the telltale vertical stabilizer suggests otherwise. (Plane videos mistaken for unknowns almost always reveal a bit of the vertical stabilizer, even if the angle of the video makes the wings impossible to see.)
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