An Austrian man has chanced on something metallic and apparently hollow that is buried deep under a field near his home. Of course, it could be an unexploded bomb or something else from World War II, but we are going to be keeping a close eye on this story for you.
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Just when we thought that all the problems with bees were finally solved, along comes a NEW one: wasps that turn bees into zombies. Honeybees that have been parasitized by this wasp have been found the San Francisco Bay area, as well as other parts of California, as well as in South Dakota.

The female wasp injects her eggs into a honeybee’s abdomen, and about seven days later, up to 25 mature fly larvae emerge. In the wild, As many as 13 larvae have been observed busting out of a single honeybee. In both commercial hives and in the wild, infected bees abandon their hives.
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Maybe the powerful really do feel bigger than the rest of us, which may be why they boss us around. A recent study finds that the psychological experience of power makes people feel taller than they really are. In other words, there is actually a physical experience that goes along with feeling powerful. Three experiments with over 200 American men and women confirmed that there is a relationship between feelings of power and one’s self-perception of height.
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Quite a few big meteors lighting up night skies recently. It’s a substantial object if it lights up an entire country, as in the UK last week, or a big city like Melbourne, as has happened last night. The extensive UFO flap of 1952 was preceeded by green fireballs being seen throughout the US in 1950-1952.
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