It seems to be following a meteoric trajectory, but there’s no trail behind it, so what is it? A meteor that bright would be expelling glowing material. It would appear to be a streak, not a discreet fireball.
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Police have discovered a way to cut crime: Play bird songs.

Crime has gone down in Lancaster, California ever since the mayor started playing nature sounds–bird chirps, the sound of running water–in the streets. Mayor R. Rex Parris discovered this in the UK, and brought the idea home and he has been playing the sounds during the past 10 months for 5 hours a day, over 70 speakers set up along the main street.

In the Wall Street Journal, John Letzing quotes Parris as saying, "Everybody is now in a better mood, a better place."
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Use a self-guided bullet!

Researchers (who are also hunters) have attached tiny light-emitting diode (LED) to a bullet so that it shows a bright path when fired at a target, making it less likely that the shooter will miss. And it’s self-guided when aimed at a target that is wearing a laser (which a deer is not), but there is room for improvement in the future. What if you could just aim and fire in a general direction and be sure to hit your target?

Computer simulations show that an unguided bullet under real-world conditions can miss a target more than a half mile away by almost 10 yards, but a guided bullet would get within 8 inches of it..
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We’ve all heard about people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs or even gambling–but the NEW kind of addict get his stash from his physician, in the form of prescription drugs. Sometimes these addicts O.D., as in the cases of Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson.
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