You may be depressed about the future, and Chinese Feng Shui masters are too. Feng Shui is part of everyday life in China, used to predict everything from the weather to stock prices to the best day for a funeral, and 2012 is no exception. China’s Feng Shui masters expect trouble in Europe, scandals in China, bad weather in Southeast Asia but–oddly–good news from the US toward the end of the year.
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If this object is above the atmosphere, then it’s immense, on an order of hundreds of miles across. Even if it’s in the upper atmosphere, it’s quite large. As to what it might be, your Out There editor won’t even hazard a guess.
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High school students in the small town of Leroy, New York have been coming down with strange tics and verbal outbursts, with no obvious cause. Several girls have even started using wheelchairs. Some people are saying that these are a result of "mass hysteria," but environmental activist Erin Brockovich thinks a toxic chemical spill 40 years ago could be the cause.

On ABC News, Katie Moisse and Linsey Davis quote Brockovich as saying, "They have not ruled everything out yet. The community asked us to help, and this is what we do."
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