Ralph Steiner was a public radio reporter specializing in the Pentagon, Star Wars, the environment and defense related issues when, about nine months after Whitley Strieber’s December 1985 close encounter, he had a mind-bending experience of his own that changed his life and transformed him into one of the great all-time investigators of UFOs and the unknown. Here, he tells us what happened to him, including extraordinary sightings and brain-bending contact experiences. Ralph is an extremely articulate man, and his descriptions of his experiences are both filled with insight and an unforgettable intensity.

The file referred to in the interview containing Ralph Steiner’s pictures is available here.
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The internet is packed with looney, unproven nonsense about the past, the future, UFOs, aliens, ghosts and practically anything else paranormal or unusual that you can name. But what’s the REAL story? Listen as a skilled professional investigator tells William Henry about some of the real secrets he has uncovered during his extensive research into the edge of reality.

Nick Redfern’s website is NickRedfern.com.
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Long time KPFA broadcaster Ralph Steiner has amassed a remarkable group of recordings of news announcements and interviews about the Roswell Incident. This edition of Dreamland begins with a recording of the first radio news report about the crash, and then Ralph takes us through a terrific history of Roswell, as told in interviews and recordings he has collected over his long career. Much of this material has never been heard before, and it has never been brought together in a single program anywhere. Fascinating new insight into the Roswell Incident.read more

Whitley and I still read the papers ON PAPER, and we love the columns in the weekend Financial Times. One of my favorites is David Tang’s "Agony Uncle" column (in the UK, an "agony aunt" is someone who solves personal problems that readers send in, like Ann Landers and "Dear Abby" used to do).
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