Anne and I have just come back from a month-long driving trip to my home state of Texas, and I have never been so terrified in my life. From what we experienced in Texas, the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today in Arizona doesn’t surprise me at all. The atmosphere was completely different from the way it was when we lived there between 1994 and 2005, and light years from what it was when I grew up there.
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First it was redwinged blackbirds falling out of the sky–in two places in the US and also in Sweden. Then it was thousands of dead fish. Now it’s doves: A thousand of them have dropped out of the sky in Italy, all with blue stains on their beaks. Officials says the blue tint indicates hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen that can confuse animals.

In the January 7th edition of the Telegraph, Nick Pisa quotes a local Italian newspaper as saying, "Let’s hope it is poisoning or an illness because that would be easier to deal with than it being a sign the world is coming to an end."
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