The excitement of the children suggests that this is a genuine video. It is a classic cylinder, filmed and taped many times over the past 50 years, but never explained.
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This skywatcher has taped UFOs in his area before, but never one quite like this. It’s an interesting image. Note the reaction of the dogs.
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Did you know that drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the US? In 2009, they killed almost 40,000 people nationwide.

While most major causes of preventable death are declining, drugs are an exception. Prescription pain and anxiety drugs are potent and highly addictive and are especially dangerous when combined with one another or with other drugs or alcohol. Prescription drugs now cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.

The death toll from drugs has doubled in the last decade, killing one person every 14 minutes. In contrast to this, traffic accidents have been dropping for decades because of huge investments in auto safety, such as airbags and anti-lock brakes.
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