Ken’s close encounters started in childhood, but he didn’t become aware that they were occurring until 2002, at the age of 50. Defense Department officials have had an involvement in his case, and an implant was removed from his son a few years ago. In college, he was a security guard for a secret defense related program, and he believes that this was somehow associated with his close encounters.

Listen as Anne Strieber uses her enormous knowledge of the close encounter experience to guide Ken through a very provocative interview.
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There have been a remarkable series of UFO sightings in and around Kansas City since April. Of course, they have been debunked by the media because of a flight of small aircraft that took wing during the week of October 10. However, that’s hardly the whole story. Listen as Linda Moulton Howe interviews Margie Kay about an account by a retired police officer who had an extensive close encounter of the third kind in his back yard on April 5, 2011 at three in the morning.
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Have we been visited by extraterrestrial beings? Did these "ancient aliens" contribute to the birth of human civilization?
Do our ancient monuments contain evidence of their presence?

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