If you’ve been a victim of a widespread mortgage scam, you’ll be glad to know that banks are not getting away with it. The federal agency that runs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is getting ready to file suits against a dozen big banks for misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities they assembled and sold at the height of the housing bubble, saying that they failed to perform due diligence and thus ignored evidence that borrowers’ incomes were either inflated or falsified (something that the banks themselves encouraged). The government is asking for BILLIONS of dollars in compensation.
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One reason we may not have discovered the definitive answer to the question of whether there is life on Mars is because we have not used the right TOOLS to detect it. But now NASA is getting ready to send a life-detection tool to Mars that is 1,000 times more sensitive than previous instruments. Astronomer Jeffrey Bada says, "The bottom line is that if life is out there, the high-tech tools of chemistry will find it sooner or later. It certainly is starting to look like there may be something alive out there somewhere, with Mars being the most accessible place to search."
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