Dr. Carmen Boulter created the astonishing TV series the Pyramid Code, and has gotten some stunning photos of light phenomena in Egypt. Here she tells us about what she has found and experienced in Egypt recently, and it is powerful material. She says "our soul group is coming together," and that is certainly what the internet effort of people like William Henry and the Dr. Boulter are all about. Vist PyramidCode.com during the interview to watch the pictures she and William Henry are discussing.read more

I was in a doctor’s office recently, when I saw, among the various diplomas from medical schools of the physicians in the office, a framed citation from Vietnam, thanking the particular doctor I was there to see. It got me thinking back about that war, which was a major protest event in my youth, over 30 years ago. But those are all memories and that war is over: What troubles me now is that when the soldiers who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, they say the same exact thing that Vietnam Vets did: "We don’t know why we’re here."
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