Jim Marrs, who is no stranger to having his books censored, interviews Whitley Strieber about the censorship of the Key. Find out exactly what the censor was trying to do by eliminating and changing the parts that he did, and get an inside look at what the sinister forces that run our world DON’T want us to know. The discovery of this sabotage has shone an incredible light on just what it is hoped will remain hidden from us, and now we know exactly what that is, and it is CHILLING what they don’t want us to know. And who are they? Whitley and Jim will be discussing that, too.
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The group Anonymous is about to hoax the world with a blizzard of reports of triangular UFOs. They hope to create another ‘war of the worlds’ frenzy, so be warned, don’t buy into it. It is scheduled to start at 8PM EDT on May 22. We probably see twenty prank UFO videos to every on that might be real. Life is shorter than these jerks think. Why waste what time you have?
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I’m now home recuperating from yet another kidney stone operation, but even though I followed all the "rules" and drank lots more water after my kidney stone operation 3 years ago. It turns out that some of us are "stone makers," who will simply have to get this sort of thing done every once in a while. This stone was even bigger than the last ones, which were "gravel," and had to be removed surgically.
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