Is Obama the wrong color to push through health reform? – People may judge the skin tone of mixed race political candidates according to how much they agree with their politics. If they agree with their views, they will see them as “whiter” than if they don’t. And a YouTube video suggesting that face recognition cameras installed in HP laptops can’t see black faces has had over one million viewers. None of this is good news for our future!
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Is 3-D TV next? – Not all the news is bad (some of it is just strange): The movie “Avatar” has created a return of 3-D and starting in 2010, ESPN will broadcast some sports events in 3-D. quotes Chuck Pagano, ESPN vice president for technology, as saying that the network is preparing for a “3-D tsunami.” But who has a TV that can pick them up? The answer: Major TV manufacturers are creating these new 3-D sets as fast as they can. Maybe this will be the final end of the recession.
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The news isn’t all bad: In her newest diary, Anne Strieber writes about a revelation she had in church that’s a great message for the New Year! If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here.

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Don’t die early – We may not be able to live forever, but there’s no reason we need to die young. Many US children face a terrible burden of stressors that can harm the development of their brains and nervous systems. These stressors can lead to health problems and diseases throughout their lives, ultimately causing some to die earlier than they would otherwise.

Sometimes people think you’re dead when you’re not: After a car crash in 1983, Rom Houbens seemed to be in a coma, but he was actually paralyzed. He knew about everything going on around him but couldn’t communicate. Over 20 years later, Neuroscientists have discovered that his brain is still functioning normally.
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