The more you spend – During an economic downturn, staying within a budget at the grocery store may be more important than ever for many shoppers, especially those with low incomes. But a new study shows that the harder shoppers try to figure out how much they’re spending, the WORSE they do. Is this some kind of conspiracy?

Marketing expert Koert van Ittersum says, “When shopping in a grocery store, the chaotic, information-rich environment can tax a shopper’s ability to mentally calculate the total basket price. Executing many arithmetic operations with multi-digit pricing is demanding. Our findings show that shoppers tend to be more accurate when they employ short-cut strategies in their calculations.”
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What’s it REALLY all about? – As the face of terrorism changes, one reporter is asking a provocative question: “Who would benefit politically from a major terrorist incident on American soil, ready, willing and able to step into the breach and exploit the catastrophic loss of human life that would follow in its wake?” His answer: the world’s covert agencies, including MI-6 and the CIA. This is reminiscent of charges that the war in Iraq was waged partly (or mainly) to benefit big businesses such as the oil companies and Halliburton. Future wars will not be the same as wars of the past. (They may not even involve human beings).
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Whitley Strieber asks Doug Horne the question: “Who killed Kennedy and why?” He receives an answer that rings of truth, and is probably the most probable one ever presented. In addition, Whitley tells, for the first time, his own connection to events of that period, as the nephew of the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Texas and former youth campaign manager for Governor John Connally.
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Doug Horne was the Chief Military Analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board that was delegated to study the Kennedy assassination by Congress in 1992. Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released after the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital are false, and conceal an exit wound that prove the fact that he was struck by a bullet from the front, as well as the ones that hit him in the back of the head.
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