It could be caused by a common chemical! – Is your cholesterol too high? This may not be due to your eating habits: A chemical used in everything from refrigeration to cosmetics may be partly responsible for the rise in US cholesterol levels.
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Or is it Grays face? – Got a baby face? Look younger than you really are? You are also going to LIVE longer than other people!

Researchers asked professionals to guess the ages of unidentical twins who were in their 70s, 80s or 90s by looking at their photos. The twin whom people thought was younger lived longer.

There’s a scientific reason for this: Pieces of DNA called telomeres, which control how well cells replicate, are also linked to how young a person looks. A telomere of shorter length is thought to mean a person will age more quickly and has been linked with diseases such as cancer. All the people who looked younger had longer telomeres.
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And why we may not help enough – The recent devastating earthquake in Haiti, which is a country of black people, reminds us that when assessing the amount of help someone needs, people’s perceptions can be affected by their racial biases.
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This is the first of a two part exploration of Andrew Collins’ highly controversial and explosive new discoveries in Egypt. Follow Andrew into unknown spaces beneath the Giza Plateau, and learn what this popular Dreamland guest found there. Then, next week, learn what he thinks all this have to do with human evolution and changes that we are experiencing in ourselves and our children right now.

An truly incredible journey from the most secret places of the ancient Egyptians to the radical changes in ourselves and our world that we are increasingly beginning to notice.

Next week, don’t miss Andrew Collins: the Stars

Andrew Collins’ website is
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